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  • What is the project area?
    The NMDOT is adding transportation improvements to the I-25 corridor between Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard in Albuquerque, including the freeway, frontage roads, and interchanges. To view all the improvements, click here
  • How did we get here?
    The I-25 Improved; Comanche to Montgomery project is building upon past studies in the Albuquerque area. In 2011, the Phase IB Alternatives Analysis Study was conducted to document existing and future deficiencies within the North I-25 corridor and to evaluate and refine possible alternatives to address the identified needs. The North I-25 corridor extends north of Interstate 40 (I-40) to Tramway Road interchange in Albuquerque. In 2016, the Supplemental Phase IB Study was updated to reflect the Mid Region Council of Governments' (MRCOG's) 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as well as completed projects. A Preferred Alternative was selected in this study. To learn more about these efforts, please click the Previous Studies tab.
  • What transportation improvements will be made?
    This is a large project with many improvements. Key improvements include: Widening of I-25 in both directions, with an additional southbound lane. Replacing the concrete pavement on I-25. Replacing bridges at two I-25 interchanges: Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard. Reconfiguring the on-ramps and off-ramps at both interchanges. Adding advanced U-turns for improved access to either side of I-25. Adding new, barrier-separated shared-use paths at the interchanges. To see a full list of the current planned transportation improvements, visit the Improvements tab.
  • Who is the contractor?
    This is a design-build project, and the design-builder is AUI, Inc.
  • What is a design-build project?
    During a design-build process, the NMDOT selects and hires a team to design and build the project simultaneously. The design-build selection process fosters the most innovative and cutting-edge construction solutions while delivering a quality product for the best value. For this project, the team developed the Preferred Alternative for the interchanges identified in the 2011 and 2016 Phase IB studies to a conceptual level and then advertised for a competitive bid process, selecting a design-build team to complete the design and construction of the project. The selected design-builder for this project is AUI, Inc.
  • When did construction start?
    Construction began August 2024 and will continue through spring 2027. Click here to view the project timeline.
  • How do I sign up for updates?
    Click here to sign up for real-time text alerts and email updates.
  • What nonmotorized transportation improvements will be made?
    At the I-25 interchanges on both Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard, barrier-separated shared-use paths will be added for improved safety for the nonmotorized traveling public. Bike lanes and sidewalks will also be added as a connection to the local network outside of the interchanges. To view the typical sections of these improvements, please click here.
  • Why is NMDOT making these improvements?
    The purpose of the project is to improve the efficiency of the freeway mainline and associated ramp, frontage road, and interchange systems and to update and prepare the north I-25 corridor for continued growth in the Albuquerque metropolitan area. The need for the improvements to the corridor is due to travel demand and congestion, physical deficiencies, and safety issues.
  • How much does the project cost?
    The anticipated cost of the project is $278 million.
  • How will commutes be affected?
    Travel lanes on I-25 will remain open during weekday peak hours but will be shifted to accommodate work zones. Lane closures will occur on weeknights and weekends. Construction activity will occur seven days a week, day and night. Click here to view the current driver and commuter impacts and sign up for real-time text alerts and email updates to be the first to know about construction impacts.
  • How will residents and businesses in the area be affected?
    Access to businesses and residential complexes will remain open during construction. The project team is working with each property to coordinate any adjacent impacts. Nearby residents and businesses should anticipate an increase in noise, vibration, and dust during the day and at night. Click here to view the current impacts to residents and businesses.
  • Will there be long-term road closures?
    There are currently no long-term road closures planned. However, construction activities are subject to change. Sign up for real-time text alerts and email updates to be the first to know about construction impacts.
  • Who do I contact with additional questions?
    For questions or comments regarding the project, please contact the project team by email at or the hotline at 505-785-ROAD (7623).
  • Will the project affect Balloon Fiesta traffic?
    Our goal is to work around Albuquerque's major events to avoid adding to traffic congestion and to accommodate the city's busy periods. I-25 will have three lanes open in both directions, and the project team will not close lanes during the event.
  • Will the project affect holiday traffic?
    The project team will ensure that three lanes remain open on both northbound and southbound I-25 during major holidays and the associated travel days.
  • Will I-25 close during this project?
    Yes, there will be instances when I-25 will be fully closed overnight. While those dates have not yet been scheduled, you can sign up for updates to receive advance notification for closures.
  • When will the bike path under Comanche Road be open to cyclists?
    The existing bike lane on Comanche Road under I-25 is temporarily closed to accommodate roadway construction on Comanche Road and on the I-25 bridge above. This closure will remain in effect for the duration of the construction on Comanche Road, which is currently scheduled to be completed by mid-2025. That date will be refined as construction continues.
  • What is the new advanced U-turn on I-25?
    The new advanced U-turn will allow drivers to exit I-25 and access the opposite side of the freeway without going through multiple lights at the interchange. This improvement is expected to reduce congestion on the cross street.
  • Can the traffic lights at Comanche Road be improved at all during construction?
    The project team is watching the traffic signals and timing closely at this interchange. A Traffic Engineer has access to a live camera pointed at the intersection, which will be used to monitor live conditions and note what changes need to be made. They will increase green light times as needed. It is important to note that, for safety, they need to prioritize north/south movements to minimize any backed-up traffic on I-25. This means that the east/west movements may take longer to go through.
  • Why am I not receiving email blasts and/or text alerts after signing up for them?
    For email blasts, be sure to check your spam folder and mark the email address as safe. For text alerts, the number could be blocked by your carrier. Be sure to save the text alerts number (883-480-0255) as a contact. For further assistance call the study team at 505-785-7623
  • How long will the bike detour be in place on Comanche Road?
    While crews are working at the Comanche Road interchange, it is important to prioritize safety and detour cyclists. The sidewalks will remain open, but Comanche Road is not wide enough to keep one lane open in both directions while also keeping the bike lanes open. Currently, the project team anticipates that the detour will be in place through 2025, but that estimate is subject to change, being that far out in the schedule. To view the detour map, click here.
  • Will there be barrier-separated paths throughout the project limits on Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard?
    No, the project only includes adding barrier-separated shared-use paths on Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard at the points where they cross I-25. These paths will connect and transition to the existing City of Albuquerque paths and facilities within the project limits.
  • Will drivers be able to turn right on red from I-25?
    This project includes removing the free right turns coming off the interstate at both interchanges, so drivers can turn right on red only after stopping first. Based on public feedback, the NMDOT is discussing if they should not allow right on reds at the interchanges. This restriction is something that could also be added at a future time, if warranted.
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